Free live tgirl sex bellkadolll

With black eyes and I have long auburn hair and my age is 25 years old and preferably lets speak english or italian or spanish and ts is my sexual preference and I am a sex chat horny shemale. I am 5'8'' – 6' (1.7 – 1.8m) tall and most people call me Bellkadolll, my weight is under 100 lbs (under 45 kg).

Bellkadolll send a message

Last Performance: Fri, Jul 26, 23:51
  • Name bellkadolll
  • Gender Trans
  • Age 25
  • Build Muscular
  • Hair Length
  • Hair Color
  • Stars 5
  • Preference TS
  • Eye Color Black
  • Cup Size
  • Ethnicity Afro-American/Black
  • Language(s) English,Italian,Spanish
